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Updated: Feb 8


Can you EDC in Basketball Shorts? The answer is yes. But you can't with just any regular basketball shorts. In this article, we will be delving into the main way we found to be the most effective way to everyday carry with any stretch-waisted shorts, in this case, Basketball shorts.



In a world where concealed carry meets everyday activities, Relaxxd Fit Tactical emerges as the game-changer. Our journey began with a singular purpose: to revolutionize concealed carry, making it seamlessly compatible with your regular day-to-day life. We understood the need for concealed carry solutions that encompass active moments, so we embarked on a journey that would lead us to an unparalleled innovation – our patent-pending inner hook and loop system. With this, you can EDC with our basketball shorts and not have them drop down from the weight of the gun or have to tie your drawstrings so tight you can't feel your bottom half.

CAUTION! We do not endorse or recommend wearing a concealed firearm on the basketball court or during any team sports activities. Safety, both for you and those around you, is of paramount importance. Our concealed carry solutions are intended for off-court use, offering a discreet and secure way to carry your firearm while going about your daily routines in comfort.



Designed meticulously for stretch-waisted garments without belt loops, our innovative hook and loop system is at the heart of redefining concealed carry. The mechanics are ingenious yet simple: the hook part of the "Velcro" is embedded within the shorts, connecting securely to the belts loop "Velcro," creating an unyielding and dependable link that remains steadfast no matter the activity. We invite you to delve into our journey, exploring our story HERE!



YES! With the groundwork laid, the implementation followed suit seamlessly. Attach any Kydex holster that clips into a standard belt size of 1.5 inches – ANY SIZED HANDGUN WITH YOUR HOLSTER becomes a natural fit. Witness this innovative attachment method in action through our [YouTube demonstration].

It wasn't long before we realized the potential of our innovation, making it an ideal fit for basketball shorts, where conventional concealed carry options were absent.

You might ponder alternatives – sweaty belly bands or perhaps uncomfortable tactical belts that compromise your comfort pushed against your skin underneath stretch-waisted shorts. But that's where Relaxxd Fit Tactical differs – we prioritize your COMFORT. Our hook-and-loop belt system is designed to snugly embrace your skin, providing a secure attachment point for your firearm while maintaining less abrasion during movement.

However, our innovation doesn't stop with comfort, The BuzzerBreakers basketball shorts, are meticulously crafted from high-quality, breathable fabric to ensure your comfort while beating the clock on the range or the court. These shorts transcend the ordinary, offering a perfect blend of comfort, style, and functionality. Our patent-pending hook & loop belt system takes center stage, boasting the ability to securely hold 99% of IWB holsters, providing you the confidence and convenience you seek.

Concealed carry Basketball shorts with inner hook and loop belt worn by a white male model with tattoos and gun with holster.
Inner Hook & Loop Belt that works with the Buzzerbreakers

The INCLUDED BELT enhances your concealed carry experience, offering a secure and customizable fit tailored to your preferences. Focusing on your game, your day, and your activities – that's the essence of Relaxxd Fit Tactical's commitment. Ordinary basketball shorts simply can't compare when the BuzzerBreakers EDC basketball shorts are at your disposal. You might say, but I'm not that into basketball shorts, or at least this color.



Yes, there has to be. The immediate success of BuzzerBreakers has spurred us to expand our horizons, introducing new colors and designs that respond to your clamor for variety as well as sweatpants or "carrier joggers" and innovative accessories for the inner belt like an attachable mag carrier all COMING VERY SOON. Make sure to subscribe to stay up to date, but as for now, there are the Cotton Warrior Shorts the "Nightriders" and "Battleshorts Gray".



Here's the kicker: The BUZZERBREAKERS is available for an unbeatable $45 plus shipping, INCLUDING THE BELT. A deal that stands out remarkably when contrasted with competitors who often charge upwards of $100 for concealed carry shorts. You literally can't beat that!



In conclusion... Yes. You can very much everyday carry with OUR basketball shorts. Like we said we do not recommend playing any sports while carrying, but if you had to be active for whatever reason while wearing the shorts, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are wearing a high-quality tactical/leisure attire that will step up to the plate when it needs to.

We understand that questions may arise, and our comprehensive FAQs page stands ready to provide answers. And to stay in the loop for the latest drops, innovations, and developments, we encourage you to follow us on social media!


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