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Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement for Relaxxd Fit Tactical LLC


At Relaxxd Fit Tactical LLC, we are committed to ensuring accessibility for all our customers. This accessibility statement outlines the measures we take to support accessibility on our website and describes our conformance status with established guidelines.

Measures to Support Accessibility
To ensure accessibility, Relaxxd Fit Tactical LLC has implemented the following measures:

- Incorporation into Mission Statement: Accessibility is a core component of our mission.
- Internal Policies: We embed accessibility practices within our internal policies.
- Procurement Practices: Accessibility considerations are integrated into our procurement processes.
- Ongoing Training: We provide regular accessibility training for our staff.
- Clear Goals and Responsibilities: We set explicit accessibility goals and assign responsibilities.
- Quality Assurance: We employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods.
- Inclusive Design: Our designs cater to diverse body types, including big and tall sizes.

Conformance Status
Our website conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at Level AA. Full conformance means that the content meets the accessibility standard.

We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Relaxxd Fit Tactical. If you encounter any barriers, please contact us:

- Email: [](
- Instagram: [@relaxxdfittactical](

We aim to respond to feedback within 1-5 business days.

Compatibility with Browsers and Assistive Technology
Relaxxd Fit Tactical is designed to work with the latest versions of major web browsers and assistive technologies. Our website is not compatible with operating systems older than five years.

Limitations and Alternatives
Despite our best efforts, there may be some limitations on our website:

-User-Generated Content: Some uploaded images may lack text alternatives due to the nature of user contributions. We actively monitor and address these issues. If you encounter a problem, please email us at []

Assessment Approach
We assess the accessibility of Relaxxd Fit Tactical through self-evaluation methods.

Statement Date
This accessibility statement was created on May 19, 2024, using the W3C Accessibility Statement Generator Tool.

We are dedicated to continuous improvement and will update our accessibility practices as needed.

Legal Disclaimer

Relaxxd Fit Tactical LLC strives to ensure that our website is accessible and compliant with relevant standards. However, if we fall short of these standards, it is not our intention to do so. Any non-conformance should not be interpreted as a lack of commitment or effort on our part to achieve full accessibility. We are continually working to improve our accessibility practices and welcome your assistance in identifying areas for improvement.

Thank you for choosing Relaxxd Fit Tactical LLC. TM

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