New Jersey Gun Laws Updated 2025
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Firearm Laws in New Jersey: What You Need to Know!

Questions about New Jersey firearm/gun laws?  We got you covered.

New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Whether you already own a gun, want to buy one, or are just curious, it’s important to understand the rules. In this guide, we’ll break it all down in a simple way. We’ll cover how to buy a gun, the permits you need, how to carry and transport firearms, and more. Plus, stay tuned for the video at the end that ties everything together with key takeaways and real-world examples.

Chapter 1: How to Buy a Gun in New Jersey

Buying a gun in New Jersey isn’t as easy as walking into a store and picking one out. There’s a lot of paperwork and steps involved.

  • Handguns: You need a Permit to Purchase a Handgun, which requires an application at your local police department, fingerprinting, and a background check. Each permit allows for the purchase of one handgun and expires after 90 days (extendable for another 90 days).

  • Rifles & Shotguns: You need a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card (FPIC), which doesn’t expire unless you move or change your name. The process includes fingerprinting and a background check.

  • Purchase Limits: You can only buy one handgun per month unless you obtain a special waiver.

Chapter 2: Permits

To legally own a firearm, you must go through a permit process that includes:

  • Filling out forms and providing personal references.

  • Fingerprinting and background checks.

  • Paying a fee of $2 for a handgun permit and $5 for an FPIC.

Although the law states the process should take no more than 30 days, delays are common, so applying early is a smart move.

Chapter 3: How to Transport a Gun

New Jersey has strict rules for moving firearms:

  • Must be unloaded and stored in a locked case.

  • If your car has a trunk, the gun should be placed there.

  • Ammunition must be stored separately.

  • You can only transport a gun between specific places (e.g., home, shooting range, or gun store). Stopping anywhere else, even for gas or coffee, is illegal.

Chapter 4: Carrying a Gun and Self-Defense

Carrying a firearm outside your home requires a Permit to Carry a Handgun, which is difficult to obtain. You must prove a justifiable need, such as a direct threat to your safety.

  • Even with a carry permit, firearms are banned in locations such as schools and government buildings.

  • New Jersey has a ‘duty to retreat’ law, meaning you must try to escape danger before using a firearm in self-defense.

Chapter 5: Ammunition and Magazines

  • Hollow-point bullets are legal to own but can only be used at home or at a shooting range.

  • Magazine limits: Magazines cannot hold more than 10 rounds, except for law enforcement and military personnel.

Chapter 6: Banned Guns

Certain firearms, classified as ‘assault weapons’, are banned in New Jersey. This includes some rifles (e.g., AR-15s) and firearms with specific features like pistol grips or folding stocks. Owning a banned gun can lead to severe legal consequences, including jail time.

Chapter 7: What Happens if You Break the Rules

New Jersey enforces strict penalties for violating gun laws. Even minor infractions, such as improper transportation, can result in felony charges, leading to hefty fines or prison time. It’s crucial to follow the laws carefully to avoid serious legal trouble.


New Jersey has some of the toughest gun laws in the U.S., making compliance essential. By understanding and following the rules, you can legally and safely own a firearm.

What do you think about New Jersey’s gun laws? Are they too strict, or are they fair? Interested in Concealed Carry? Follow us at Relaxxd Fit Tactical!

For official firearm laws and permit applications, visit the New Jersey State Police Firearms Information page and the New Jersey Division of Law and Public Safety website.!

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